15.05 a 18.08
Exposição Silent City | Espace Photographie Contretype


My period in the Espace Photographie Contretype was an experience as an atelier in the open air, with Brussels in the main character.

It was my second visit to Brussels, the first was in 1999, when I spent 48 hours in the city and considered a jewel European.
Now in 2012, I noticed a cultural issue, is the silence of the city, which is very different than Brazilian cities, where the presence of people is always marked by the profusion of sounds that they create. This silence was the track to "find" my pictures, which unveiled to me, every walk I did.

I have all time for me, because I was alone in the days and nights of Brussels, available time for photography, the small tours like a diver, or in moments of Musiq 3 at night, when the extreme cold makes you live with your private demons.

In sunlight, a deep appreciation of the reflections and shadows of the city, revealing another universe, like a secret film noir, where danger, mysteries and secrets are hidden in the shadows.

Brussels says: "Decipher me or I will devour you". This was the feeling of living somewhere else, where there is more time for contemplation, each photograph is a "conquered land", a representation of the world for myself, with its intentionality, to see my position before the destructive nature of the space, and then to be constructed and articulated by who see them.

The realized images for Contretype became a new series, Silent City. All pictures in black and white, photographed with a Rolleiflex camera, like my others series, La Nuit Americaine, D'Aprés, Galactic and Contrejour.
All my photographs are nominated, identified by a name that relates to the sayable and the visible, as the narration of his ‘âme picturale’, enhancing the expression of the idea contained in the representation, so is the drawing of the word, spoken or read.

Chance is the best accuracy, measure light mentally, expose the camera to the light, risking, knowing they cannot do it again, but you do, then see how it was, I feel different from the writer who writes and erases, the theater actor who experiences every presentation, as photographer I deciphered Brussels.

Vicente de Mello
